Lol u guys poon :P
:) i love ur work
Lol u guys poon :P
:) i love ur work
what?! :O
Sounded like mario was getting raped when he went down the pipe? :O
Funny as hell, how random a penguin in a microwave XD haha nice man
hmmmmmmm ;o
Ok, heres the deal, you lose 2 points for it being playstation... and another point for the girls singing... sorry lol but she needed more... anger? idk, she just sounded flat and it didn't match the character. Good flash though :)
LOL :)
I packed my pants when i was laughing :D i thought a big tentacle monster was gonna come out, then a shark lol xD
Very nice
I like these sort of flashes to be honoust, i think you should work a bit on the transition of hits, sometimes they seemed to wait a wile before they realised they got smacked in the head by a spike ball :P but 5/5 nice
Lol, i say your better at pivot then me, buuuuttt... i've seen better, keep working on it
:O whoa..
very... err... unique... :) keep up the work.. ( lose the penis :/ )
Awesome stick fighting
GREAT D: "embarrassing" (excuse my spelling) D:
Exactly what a good animation should have in it!!!
Joined on 6/10/08